Govt. Girls Degree College Shivpuri, was Established in the year 1982, It is located at the heart of city
Near Gandhi Park Shivpuri. It was started with arts faculty only and since 1999 Commerce and
science faculty is also running in the college. The college is facing lac of permanent teaching staff and
librarian since last many years still there is no compromise in teaching qualities and other functioning
of the college. This is the only Girls college in the district the college is facilitating is students to take
benefits of all government schemes like post matric scholarship , gaon ki beti yojna, vikramaditya
yojna, awagaman yojna, Central scholarship yojna etc. The college has a full functional liberary with
computer and internet facilities. It has about more them 15 thousand books on all subject running in
the college including many reference books. The college has organize district level youth festival
recently it have organized Jila stariya sports competitions in its premises. The girls coming from
absolutely rural areas are also being benefited by participating various sports activities, cultural
activities , Group discussions and other activities like NCC and NSS activities. Vivekanand carrier
counselling and Vyaktitiva vikas prakosta is also doing well to enhance the personalities of students.
The college has recently organized and industrial tour in which eight private companies came ahead
to provide facilities to see the production of there companies.